Home » Here Are All The Radical Plans Democrats Will Ram Through Congress If They Nuke The Filibuster

Here Are All The Radical Plans Democrats Will Ram Through Congress If They Nuke The Filibuster

Harris’ campaign is promising that if she is elected and the numbers in Congress work, Democrats will eliminate the Senate filibuster.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign is promising that if Harris is elected president and the numbers in the House and Senate are favorable, they will eliminate the Senate filibuster for a singular altruistic purpose — to enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. They ignore polling that suggests there are other issues at the top of Americans’ daily concerns.

TheputativeHarrisadministrationwouldtryagaintoeliminatethefilibusterjustonemoretimetopasstheJohnLewisVotingRightsAct.Sen.JoeManchin,D-W.V.,andSen.KyrstenSinema,I-Ariz.,blockedthateffortin2021butwillnotbeinofficein2025. Andthen,dependingontheirwhim,theymightalsomakePuertoRicoastate.ThentheDistrictofColumbia.Thentheywouldforsurecallitquitsandgobacktothe60-voterule.Well,maybetheywouldfirsttakealookatpassingsinglepayerhealthcareand,ofcourse,use51votestopassanoncontroversialwealthtax,stacktheSupremeCourtundertheguiseofjudicialreform,guttheSecondAmendment,passbroad