Home » Donald Trump, Not Kamala Harris, Is Running A Campaign Full Of Joy

Donald Trump, Not Kamala Harris, Is Running A Campaign Full Of Joy

Democrats want to throw political enemies in prison, and they expect us to believe media’s lies that they just love memes and ‘joy.’

I’ve seen some amazing crowds in my life. In 1985, my mom scored me and a couple of friends tickets (and backstage passes) to see Prince in Worcester, Massachusetts, on the Purple Rain tour. I still remember standing in the crowd with my lace fingerless gloves on, thinking my mom was the absolute coolest for getting us into the arena. As Prince took the stage and spoke the intro to “Let’s Go Crazy” (“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life …”), thousands of people just like me went nuts. The rafters shook from the weight of all the jumping and shuffling feet.
