Under the Biden-Harris administration, the IRS has become an unaccountable, we’ll-do-as-we-damn-well-please bully.
It’s not just the tax code that’s on the ballot this fall in the presidential election, but how that code will be enforced for the next four years. The Biden-era IRS has taken an approach that’s fairly hostile to successful business owners, and it’s probably a good bet the agency will hold fast to its current course if Vice President Kamala Harris wins in November.
Nowhere is the current anti-business owner bias of the IRS on better display that in the agency’s recent announcement that it will aggressively pursue Employee Retention Credit (ERC) clawbacks, where the IRS will serve as both judge and jury in seeking the return of more than $1 billion from 30,000 American small businesses that received funds under the Covid-era program.