Home » America’s Current Schooling Catastrophes Were Set In Motion 100 Years Ago

America’s Current Schooling Catastrophes Were Set In Motion 100 Years Ago

Starting with John Dewey, leftists have molded our public education system to manipulate America’s youth into advancing their own agenda.

America is suffering from an educational crisis. In fact, it is so bad that even the leftist Center for American Progress, started by far-left-wing billionaire George Soros, acknowledges that “a large percentage of students land a high school diploma that is essentially meaningless. The document might indicate that the students are ready for college, but in reality, the students simply do not have the necessary skills or knowledge.”

If you are going to attack America’s foundations, the place to start, as all demagogues and dictators have discovered, is with the youth. The youth are malleable and easy to influence because their minds have yet to develop the critical thinking skills needed to discern truth from error. They are often emotionally, rather than intellectually, driven, and ripe for conversion to leftist causes. Every totalitarian regime, from the Soviet Union to Nazi Germany, has focused on recruiting the youth to achieve its aims.