Home » Withdrawing Support For Trump Would Be Political Suicide For The Pro-Life Movement

Withdrawing Support For Trump Would Be Political Suicide For The Pro-Life Movement

As Donald Trump and J.D. Vance try to win over swing voters, some pro-life leaders are busy dispiriting pro-life voters.

At this moment in American history, when life is on the line, when we are just under 60 days from Election Day, it is political insanity to attack Donald Trump on the pro-life issue.

Now, I am not going to imply that Lila Rose is a communist, as James Lindsay did. But to suggest that the Trump-Vance ticket does not “stand for pro-life principles,” and that pro-lifers should withhold their votes, as Lila did, is equally outrageous. In an interview with Politico published on Thursday, Lila Rose said she “would not vote for Harris or Trump” if the election were held today and said there are “other candidates” and even “write-in candidates.”