Home » New Age Slogans And Social Justice Activism Sum Up Kamala Harris’ Religious Beliefs

New Age Slogans And Social Justice Activism Sum Up Kamala Harris’ Religious Beliefs

Harris’ religious beliefs embody a syncretistic pluralism that appeals to the left’s perversely manipulative obsessions with identitarianism.

What does Kamala Harris believe, and why does she believe it? It’s a harder question to answer than one might think for someone who has been in national-level politics for almost a decade, and state politics for almost fifteen years before that. A survey of Harris’ historic comments on her religious beliefs — and what her supporters say about them — suggests that what matters is less the substance of her faith but its symbolism (and, perhaps more cynically, its alignment with the Democrat Party platform).

WhatDoesHarrisBelieve? Harriscomesfromareligiouslydiversefamilybackground:hermother,anativeofTamilNaduinsouthernIndia,wasaHinduuntilshemetherfuturehusband,JamaicanAmericanDonaldJ.Harris,afterwhichsheconvertedtohisChristianity.Nevertheless,ReligionNewsService(RNS)tellsus,Harris’mother“instilledinhertwodaughtersareverenceforHindutemples.”Moreover,ascorporatemedianevertireofremindingus, thenameKamalameans“lotus”inSanskr