Home » Democrats’ Abortion Van At The DNC Offers A Glimpse Of America’s Future

Democrats’ Abortion Van At The DNC Offers A Glimpse Of America’s Future

The moral logic at work here is inexorable. What you see now at the DNC you will eventually see at the RNC.

Did you hear about the free abortions and sterilizations on offer at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week? Incredibly, the news is real. Abortion-inducing drugs (mifepristone and Plan B) will be doled out from the back of a Planned Parenthood RV, along with vasectomies, just a few blocks from a convention that will embrace a radical abortion-until-birth policy that would have been unthinkable, even for Democrats, just a decade ago.

RepublicanvicepresidentialcandidateJ.D.Vancewas savagedbythecorporatepress forrepeatedlydescribingDemocratsas“anti-family”inmediaappearanceslastweek.Now,asiftoproveVance’spoint,heretheyarewithanabortionvanattheirconventionandsupporters marchingthroughthestreetsdressedasabortionpills.AsmycolleagueJordanBoyd noted,PlannedParenthood’seuphemisticallylabeled“mobilehealthcenter”mightnotbeanofficiallyDNC-sanctionedpartoftheconvention,butitfitsrightinwiththeparty’smacabreplatformthatwouldfederalizeabortionl