Home » ‘I’m Your Mom Now’: Wisconsin Parents Take School Secrecy Policy On ‘Gender Identity’ To SCOTUS

‘I’m Your Mom Now’: Wisconsin Parents Take School Secrecy Policy On ‘Gender Identity’ To SCOTUS

“School is now like Las Vegas: ‘What happens at school stays at school,’” the petition before the U.S. Supreme Court contends.

Wisconsin’s Eau Claire Area School District’s so-called gender-identity policy is a big middle finger to the basic principles of parental rights. Now a group of parents is fighting back in a case testing the limits of public education power: whether school districts can keep secrets about the children they are educating. 

This week, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) and America First Legal filed a petition of certiorari asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up Parents Protecting Our Children v. Eau Claire Area School District. The lawsuit, originally filed in 2022 in federal district court, alleges the public school system has put in place a policy “to facilitate gender identity transitions at school and to keep this hidden from parents who would disagree that it is in their child’s best interest to change gender identity.”