Home » Lacrosse coach FIRED for congratulating the ‘real woman who won’

Lacrosse coach FIRED for congratulating the ‘real woman who won’

In the name of transgender rights, women’s rights — as well as free speech — continue to take a beating.

The latest blow comes from Oberlin College, where administrators fired Kim Russell from her position as women’s lacrosse coach because she dared to voice the most controversial opinion: that men don’t belong in women’s sports.

In March 2022, Russell had shared an Instagram post congratulating Emma Weyant as the “real woman who won” the NCAA 500-yard freestyle, after Weyant had placed second to Lia Thomas, a man who identifies as a woman.

At the top of the post, Russell left comments: “What do you believe? I can’t be quiet on this…I’ve spent my life playing sports, starting & coaching sports programs for girls & women…”