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A Bipartisan Bill Aims to Boost AI Education for K-12 Teachers

A Bipartisan Bill Aims to Boost AI Education for K-12 Teachers  Education Week

More than half of educators believe that students will need some knowledge of artificial intelligence to succeed in the workplace of the future, according to an EdWeek Research Center survey conducted late last year.
It appears that at least some lawmakers in Congress have come to the same conclusion.
U.S. Sens. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., and Jerry Moran, R-Kan., this month introduced the bipartisan NSF AI Education Act of 2024. The bill seeks to expand scholarship aid and professional development opportunities for K-12 educators interested in artificial intelligence and quantum computing, with support from the National Science Foundation or NSF.

Quantumcomputing,likeAI,isarapidlydevelopingfieldrelatedtocomputerscience,whichseekstoharnesstechnologytoquicklysolveproblems. ThelegislationwouldcreateagrantprogramattheNSFtopromoteresearchonteachingAIatK-12schools,withafocusonschoolsthatservelow-income,rural,andtribalstudents.ThebillleavesthesizeofthegrantprogramuptoNSF. ThisbillalsocallsonNSFtoawardundergraduatea