Home » Want To Protect Children Online? Target The Porn Distributors

Want To Protect Children Online? Target The Porn Distributors

Parents cannot effectively remove technology from their children day to day, so we must target the source of the danger itself.

As legislators across the country are proving their deep commitment to the well-being of American families and parental rights, we stand at a pivotal moment in confronting a pressing issue — the widespread exposure of our youth to online pornography, often bypassing parental oversight. In the digital age, shielding our children from the pervasive threat of explicit online content has become an urgent concern demanding innovative and effective solutions.

Overthepast20years,studieshaverevealedastartlingreality:80percentofteenagershavebeenexposedtoonlinepornography.Asof2021,15percentofchildrenundertheageof10arereportingexposure—theproblemisonlygettingworse.Traditionalmethodslikeblockingandfilteringsoftwarehavefallenshort: Accordingto InternetMattersresearch,“11%ofparentsadmittheydon’tsetparentalcontrolsas‘they’retoocomplicated,’” and,“17%ofparentssaythere’s‘nopointaschildrencangetaroundthem.’”Intheend,only39perc