One School Leader Banned Cellphones, the Other Embraced Them. What Worked? Education Week
Many educators will tell you that cellphones are a source of serious academic, mental health, and behavioral problems for students. And school leaders are struggling to figure out how to deal with the cellphone problem, especially as younger and younger students get their own devices.
Developing a workable school cellphone policy is no easy task as major constituents are often at odds: teachers may want them gone while students want unfettered access to them. Parents are often divided, with some wanting to minimize distractions in class while others like the security of being able to reach their kids during the school day.
In response to these challenges, Education Week reached out to two school leaders, one in a school that requires students to lock their phones up all day, and the other in a school that encourages students to use their phones for learning in class. Both leaders claim that their approaches are working.