Home » Howard University cancels graduation mid-ceremony after angry family members pound on doors and break window

Howard University cancels graduation mid-ceremony after angry family members pound on doors and break window

A graduation ceremony at Howard University for nursing students ended in disruption and chaos after angry family members chanted “Let us in!” and pounded on the doors and broke a window after the auditorium closed after hitting capacity, according to the New York Post.
Many loved ones of students in the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences crammed into the Cramton Auditorium in Washington, DC on Thursday. But not all relatives made it to the location in time before the doors closed.
“I didn’t get to walk. I graduated magna cum laude and I didn’t even get to walk. I’m the class of 2020. I didn’t get to walk for my high school graduation and I didn’t get to walk for my college graduation.”

— (@)

Videofootageofthosestandingoutsidetheauditoriumshowedpeopleyelling“Letusin!Letusin!”astheceremonystarted.Notonlythat,butthevideoalsoshowsawindowthatwasbrokenafterlovedonespoundedonthedoorstobeletin. Someeventriedtopushpastsecuritytogetinside. TheHilltopreportedthatDeanGinaSpivey-BrownsaidthecollegewasthelargestgraduatingCNAHSclassinHoward’shistory.Therewere280degre