Home » The Public School System Is Covering Up A Massive Sex Abuse Scandal

The Public School System Is Covering Up A Massive Sex Abuse Scandal

It’s always interesting to notice what kind of data the government tracks, and what kind of data gets completely ignored. Every couple of years, for example, we get something called a “National Climate Assessment.” If the sea level rises by a millimeter off the Oregon coast, you’ll know about it. We also receive regular government …

It’s always interesting to notice what kind of data the government tracks, and what kind of data gets completely ignored.

Every couple of years, for example, we get something called a “National Climate Assessment.” If the sea level rises by a millimeter off the Oregon coast, you’ll know about it. We also receive regular government reports on the number of women who decide to take STEM classes and the popularity of nonbinary and pansexual gender identities in places like Honduras.