Home » The Boy Scouts are ditching the word ‘boy’ in its name after 114 years in order to be more inclusive

The Boy Scouts are ditching the word ‘boy’ in its name after 114 years in order to be more inclusive

The Boy Scouts of America announced Tuesday that it would no longer be known under that name in order to become more inclusive.

The organization will be known as Scouting America.

The scouts have been battered by scandal related to thousands of sexual assault claims and a massive $2.4 billion bankruptcy reorganization in the wake of a legal settlement with victims.
“In the next 100 years we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs,” said Boy Scouts of America president and CEO Roger Krone to the Associated Press.
“Part of my job is to reduce all the barriers I possibly can for people to accept us as an organization and to join,” he added.
The Boy Scouts faced criticism from traditionalists after it decided to allow girls into the organization in 2017. It has since admitted more than 176,000 girls nationwide into the organization.
The name change will become official on the 115th anniversary of the organization on Feb. 8, 2025.
