Home » DEI worker sues University of Minnesota after she was fired for posing in front of an Israeli flag littered with swastikas

DEI worker sues University of Minnesota after she was fired for posing in front of an Israeli flag littered with swastikas

A former DEI manager at the University of Minnesota is suing the school for letting her go after she posted a photo that appeared to show her posing near an Israeli flag littered with swastikas, according to the Star Tribune.
Mashal Sherzad accused the institution of violating her First Amendment rights as well as discriminating against her, according to a filing this week.
As a result, Sherzad is seeking $75,000 in damages and wants to be reinstated at the university.
Not only is Sherzad a former DEI manager, she has also made a name for herself by posting fashion photos to Instagram. There is one instance where she is taking part in a glam shoot while carrying a Palestinian flag during an anti-Israel protest.

See on Instagram

TheNewYorkPostreportedthatSherzadstartedworkingattheuniversityattheendofOctober,asaprogrammanagerfordiversity,equity,andinclusionattheSchoolofPublicHealth. However,theuniversityterminatedherinJanuaryafterdiscoveringthattherewerephotospostedtoFacebookthatshowedherataDecemberprotestagainsttheIsrael-HamaswarinBarcelona,Spain. OneofthephotosshowedSherzadinfrontofanIsraeliflagwithswastika